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Streamline your workflow with Apollo's Salesloft integration. Find your best leads in Apollo and easily push them into Salesloft for personalized engagement

Sales Engagement & Intelligence
Built by Apollo

About Salesloft

Salesloft helps revenue teams take the right actions to close every deal with a platform built around the sellers’ workflow. The Salesloft Revenue Orchestration Platform aligns revenue teams so they can prioritize and execute all their actions to improve buyer and customer engagement throughout the entire buyer journey, driving improved productivity, and better pipeline efficiency and revenue outcomes.

Salesloft and

Discover your ideal leads in Apollo's living database of 275M+ contacts by leveraging 65+ filters for precise targeting. Effortlessly add them to Salesloft or directly put them into an existing cadence for efficient, highly personalized engagements – all with just a few clicks.

Apollo's Salesloft integration provides sales with:

  • Unified Data: Push Apollo contacts directly into Salesloft.
  • Ease of Execution: Deploy Apollo contacts into your Salesloft cadences.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Remove unnecessary steps when you work between Apollo and Salesloft.
  • Automatic Synchronization: Contacts you push from Apollo to Salesloft will automatically sync with the same fields.

Use cases

  • Engage Leads From Apollo

    Push new or saved leads from Apollo into Salesloft or an existing cadence.

  • Automatic Data Sync

    Automatically sync contact fields between Apollo and Salesloft.